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The Well-Trained Dog
2 min read
The Benefits of Pumpkin For Dogs and Cats
‘Tis the fall season and pumpkins are everywhere. . .on doorsteps and porches, in cookies and candy, and even in our coffee! But pumpkin...

The Well-Trained Dog
4 min read
Trust Your Dog
“Trust Your Dog”. Three simple words. They were on a t-shirt worn by a woman at a barn hunt trial in Harrisonburg over the Memorial Day...

The Well-Trained Dog
2 min read
Five Reasons My Pets Make Me Thankful
It’s the season of thanksgiving, and a time to count our blessings. I’ve come up with five reasons to be thankful for my dogs. I’m sure...

The Well-Trained Dog
4 min read
The Story of Hokie, the Black Lab
It's Black Dog Day so I thought I'd tell you about a very special black Lab by the name of Hokie. In August of 2011, I was asked by staff...
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